Organizational Behaviour

Personal Effectiveness through Self-Awareness Series


This series of programmes is designed for success through increased self-awareness. The focus of this series is not to tell participants how to act, but to help them pinpoint their current strengths and bring to light opportunities for improvement. Using psychometric assessments, self-analysis, reflective learning and group discussion, participants are assisted to identify and develop their own personal attributes and skills to achieve corporate objectives.

They will understand:

  • Where they are now
  • The impact they have on others and the workplace
  • How change and growth occur successfully
  • How to plan out a personal change model, and
  • How they can now use new behaviours or change their attitudes in order to get the results they want and be more effective and satisfied in their work

The tests include MBTI®, Interpersonal Style Inventory, Career Attitudes and Strategies Inventory, Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire, Occupational Motivation Questionnaire, Occupational Stress Inventory, and PeopleMapper to name a few.

This enhanced self-awareness and planned new behaviour is key to high performance in a wide range of activities such as:

  • Leadership Development
  • Interpersonal effectiveness
  • Team effectiveness
  • Enhanced motivation
  • Enhanced job satisfaction

Who will benefit

These workshops will benefit any employee who wishes to gain a deeper level of self-knowledge and use this increased awareness to enhance work productivity and personal effectiveness.


2 days.

Applying Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace


Why emotional intelligence? Literature and research on Emotional Intelligence (EI) has shown that it plays a significant role in successful work performance and interpersonal relationships. This workshop is designed to be a transformational experience that will enable participants to bring about personal and professional growth by developing their Emotional Quotient.

Key Topics

  • Concepts of multiple intelligences and emotional intelligence
  • Different facets of emotional intelligence
  • Self-discovery – know your EQ
  • Build an EI profile for yourself
  • Working with emotional intelligence to enhance personal and managerial effectiveness

Who will benefit

The programme is aimed at employees at various levels in the organisation and from various functional areas who wish to improve their professional and personal effectiveness through working with emotional intelligence.


2 days.

Type at Work – Using MBTI® for Professional and Team Effectiveness


The MBTI® is one of the most widely researched and widely used personality tests in the world that describes normal differences among people. Using the MBTI® assessment as its basis, this experiential workshop provides participants with powerful new insights into their preferred styles of functioning and an increased appreciation for individual differences. This enhanced understanding of self and others leads to improved personal, team and organisational effectiveness.

Key Topics

  • An Introduction to Type in the workplace
  • Know your Type – the self-assessment
  • Identify strengths and potential areas of improvement
  • Understand individual differences
  • Promote team diversity to maximize effectiveness
  • Type and communication
  • Type and leadership
  • Develop an action plan to use type for increased personal and professional effectiveness

Who will benefit

The programme is designed for employees at various levels in the organisation who wish to understand their preferred working style, learn how best to work with others, use type to develop leadership skills and determine how their personal goals and those of the organisation can be implemented.


2 days.

Stress Management Technique Workshop


In today’s high-pressure work environments, and with constant competition, stress is inevitable. How can one manage stress? This interactive and practical workshop uses presentation, role-play, discussions, case studies and demonstration of techniques to enable participants to:

Key Topics

  • Identify personal stressors through individual assessments
  • Examine effective strategies and techniques for managing stressful situations, both in the workplace and at home
  • Learn ways and means to manage stress in the long term and short term
  • What is stress?
  • How is it related to health and physiology?
  • What are the stress related disorders?
  • Why is stress harmful?
  • How does a person get stressed?
  • Individual Assessment of stress factors
  • How is stress related to interpersonal relationships? How do relationships contribute to stress, on the other hand, how does stress affect relationships? What lifestyle factors are related to stress?
  • How can stress be managed?
  • Techniques to manage stress and stress related disorders
  • Short term and long term solutions for stress management

Who will benefit

The stress management technique workshop provides effective methods of managing negative stress and is ideal for employees and employers alike, regardless of their position or level of responsibility.


2 days.

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